HomeDiagnostic TestsRenuvix PCR Program


Pathogens & Infectious Diseases

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a molecular technique used to amplify and detect DNA and RNA sequences. Compared to traditional methods of DNA cloning and amplification, which may take days, PCR requires only a few hours. PCR is highly sensitive and requires minimal template for detection and amplification of specific sequences.

Reverse transcription PCR, or RT-PCR, allows the use of RNA as a template. The RNA is reverse transcribed into complementary DNA (cDNA), using reverse transcriptase. The quality and purity of the RNA template is essential for the success of RT-PCR.

Our pathogen assays utilize the latest in quantitative RT-PCR technology to rapidly and reliably analyze your patient’s sample.

  • Diagnostic results in < 24-48 hour (TAT) for faster treatments
  • Identification of causative organism/bacteria/pathogen by DNA/RNA for personalized treatment
  • Precision antibiotic resistance markers and identifies poly-microbial infections
  • Over >99% sensitivity and >99% specificity with reduced risk of specimen contamination
  • Faster, smarter and actionable test results with lower costs and improved patient outcomes

We'll Ensure You Always Get the Fastest and Most Accurate Results
